Birthkeeper Study Circle 2024

Welcome to the new Birthkeeper Study Circle 2024!


I am launching this Circle in English to eventually bring what I have to share to an international audience. 


The Circle is particularly suitable for women who want a basic, in-depth and structured introduction to the topics of pregnancy, birth, postpartum and family health. 


We follow my birthkeeper curriculum, but rest assured that there will still be plenty of time for spontaneous questions, issues and cases, as they come up.


You can use this Circle in a self-determined, self-responsible, free-learning manner as a doula training course or a comprehensive introduction to being a birth keeper or traditional midwife. This circle can also be interesting for midwifery students and young midwives who want to work holistically and for young doulas and doulas who accompany free births and want more knowledge. I will pass on as much of my knowledge and experience as a homebirth midwife, birth keeper and "herbal witch" as possible. We will also have the honour of several guest lecturers visiting us.


Obviously, I can only provide theory in an online course, but I nevertheless try to make it as interesting, alive and practical as possible.


The cornerstones of this Circle and all what I do and teach are respect, openness and love for ourselves, for each other and for the women and families we support. Also respect for and support of self-determination and self-responsibility regarding ourselves, each other and the women and families. Networking among like-minded people also plays an important role. 


The Birthkeeper Circle 2024 begins on 11th January 2024 and runs until 19th December 2024. It comprises of approximately 50 Zoom calls that we do each Thursday morning from 10-11:30 am Central European Time. There will also be a Telegram group for this workshop and access to material that you can use for yourself and the women you support.


Number of participating women minimum 5, maximum 12. 


Course fee: I really want to keep this very affordable and at the same time, I and my family need to live as well. So I am partaking in what you might know as gift economy. In the spirit of gift economy, I offer my knowledge, care, love and experience and I invite you to give me a monthly contribution that you can choose according to your financial capability. I suggest a monthly contribution of 111-444 euros. This range is wide, because our financial capabilities also vary widely. In addition to this wide range, I also offer 2-3 part or full scholarships (part or full fee waivers) for women who passionately feel the calling to become birthkeepers, yet cannot pay fully or at all. So even if you cannot give money, feel free to still ask me whether you can participate via a scholarship. Please note that this can only work if those who are able to, contribute a higher than average amount. 


If you are interested in this Circle, please contact me personally and let's talk. I am looking forward to hearing from you!


If you are looking for German-speaking birthkeeper circles, see here and here.